Hmmm, interesting again. No doubt, that the body is our most valuable mentor and that the gut-center (intuition/instinct) is usually giving signs to believe the most. But in case the body is so (unconsciously) traumatized, it is sending its´ signals out of our shadow behavior. Than they might be very misleading, or? But I guess we have the heart and the head to check on the gut signals, so the „correction system“ (if not overdone) is rather sophisticated. Though – on the other hand - the two of them might confuse it even more, in some cases :-)..

Looking forward to the heart reading.

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I love how you articulate the solipsism of infant & mother. Early motherhood was a trip! I felt like the least likely mother ever and didn’t think I could be capable, but something deep kicked in. The inseparable ness was intense, but also so simple? Also effortless. I have some iconic pics of me holding my babies (I think I showed them to you) and I don’t need anyone to tell me that I was “good” at it. But I don’t take any credit for that, I didn’t DO anything, I didn’t have to try. Something instinctual kicks in whether it’s welcome or not (in my case it was welcome; for my own mother it was not. She did not want me but I know that she loves me she can’t help but). I felt not just a oneness with my babies but also a oneness with our ancestors and descendants. We’ve often looked at those iconic pics while tripping and marveled at how they are so timeless; they’re not pics of individuals but pics of something archetypal, and i FELT it so at the time, profoundly. The dissolution of the sense of self has only been matched since with huge doses of psychedelics.

“They” talk about that “rush of love” when you give birth but it’s not like that at all ime. There’s a prerequisite to love, and it’s this instinctive gut feeling you write about. I love my kids but it did not come as a rush at birth. That’s a misnomer to me, it should be called a rush of BONDING. It’s like, you were already bonded throughout pregnancy and when you see your baby outside of yourself for the first time you get a rush of bonding to reaffirm that your sole purpose (that’s how it felt) is for the infant. That bond remains strong until they stop suckling, but by then love, and a more heart-centered feeling, has (should have?!) developed ❤️

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